10:00 AM10:15 AM10:30 AM10:45 AM11:00 AM11:15 AM11:30 AM11:45 AM12:00 PM12:15 PM12:30 PM12:45 PM1:00 PM1:15 PM1:30 PM1:45 PM2:00 PM2:15 PM2:30 PM2:45 PM3:00 PM3:15 PM3:30 PM3:45 PM4:00 PM4:15 PM4:30 PM4:45 PM5:00 PM5:15 PM5:30 PM5:45 PM6:00 PM6:15 PM6:30 PM6:45 PM7:00 PM7:15 PM7:30 PM7:45 PM8:00 PM8:15 PM8:30 PM8:45 PM9:00 PM9:15 PM9:30 PM9:45 PM10:00 PM10:15 PM10:30 PM10:45 PM11:00 PM11:15 PM11:30 PM11:45 PM12:00 AM12:15 AM12:30 AM12:45 AM1:00 AM1:15 AM1:30 AM1:45 AM2:00 AM
Host: Crackle's Cousin Cosplay
Method Mares Improv Theater
saturday @ 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (60 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
Improvisational Acting is as fun to participate in as it is hilarious to watch the unexpected unfold during method mares theater when every pony gets a chance to perform on stage!
The Pony Awards
Method Mares Improv Theater
Click for more info!
Host: Bobby Seas
My Little Millionaire
saturday @ 11:45 AM-1:15 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
The fandom's biggest game show is back! Join Bobby Seas as he presents My Little Millionaire live from HarmonyCon! Join the studio audience for your chance to win big prizes, and to appear on national television (in Equestria). This is a show you don't want to miss!
The Pony Awards
My Little Millionaire
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
Um, Actually They Are Guests of Honor
saturday @ 1:45 PM-2:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
Based on the popular online game show about correcting false statements, the Guests of Honor will set the records straight about their work with My Little Pony and more! But the show ended many years ago and the VIPs need your help! Who will emerge victorious?
The Pony Awards
Um, Actually They Are Guests of Honor
Click for more info!
Host: Crackle's Cousin Cosplay
Cosplay Contest
saturday @ 3:00 PM-4:30 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
Calling all Cosplayers to show off your cosplays! Contestants and those just choosing to exhibit a cosplay on stage are welcome. Contestants: Please arrive in costume to the pre-judge room at the time slot associated with your entry level, with your filled in contest reg form (available at registration). Then arrive to the mane stage 15 minutes before contest start time. This is an event for all skill levels. Audience members will be allowed in at showtime to cheer you on! Please come support these amazing creators!
The Pony Awards
Cosplay Contest
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
saturday @ 4:30 PM-7:00 PM (150 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3?
The Pony Awards
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Host: HarmonyCon
Manehattan Jazz Quartet
saturday @ 7:00 PM-7:45 PM (45 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
The Pony Awards
Manehattan Jazz Quartet
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
saturday @ 7:45 PM-8:30 PM (45 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
The Pony Awards
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Host: HarmonyCon
saturday @ 8:30 PM-9:00 PM (30 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
The Pony Awards
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Host: HarmonyCon
The Wonderbolts
saturday @ 9:00 PM-10:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
The Pony Awards
The Wonderbolts
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Host: HarmonyCon
saturday @ 10:00 PM-10:30 PM (30 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
Pony awards show
The Pony Awards
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Host: HarmonyCon
Color by Number
saturday @ 10:30 PM-11:15 PM (45 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
The Pony Awards
Color by Number
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Host: HarmonyCon
saturday @ 11:15 PM-12:00 AM (45 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
The Pony Awards
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Host: HarmonyCon
Faulty x Kenza Koa
saturday @ 12:00 AM-1:00 AM (60 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
The Pony Awards
Faulty x Kenza Koa
Click for more info!
Crystal Empire Theatre
Host: Red Card
Saturday Morning Cartoons
saturday @ 10:00 AM-11:30 AM (90 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
Want a nostalgia trip? Did you love watching cartoons on Saturday Mornings growing up? You can do it again. Showing some randomly picked episodes from some old-school animated shows.
The Pony Awards
Saturday Morning Cartoons
Click for more info!
Host: Saphire Systrine
Fan Animation!
saturday @ 11:45 AM-1:45 PM (120 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
Come learn about all aspects of the animation process! Featuring Minty Root, Vinson Visions, Pearmare, Silver Screen, IMShadow007, EG Studios, and Saphire Systrine! Ask questions, see sneak peaks, and just have a good time!
The Pony Awards
Fan Animation!
Click for more info!
Host: Thrack
Don't Forget the Lyrics
saturday @ 2:00 PM-3:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
In this brony version of the "don't forget the lyrics" game show, your memory of My Little Pony song lyrics will be put to the test. Can you keep singing when the ponies stop? Come participate and have fun with CounterCanter & Thrack!
The Pony Awards
Don't Forget the Lyrics
Click for more info!
Host: Fuzzy
Fallout Equestria: Murky and the Art of Storytelling
saturday @ 3:15 PM-4:45 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
Back again to HarmonyCon, Fuzzy brings another panel on both the art of writing and his story Murky Number Seven. In addition to behind the scenes on MN7 and taking your burning questions on the story, the panel will look into how to get your story noticed and how to handle that all important chapter 1. Whether you're a fan of MN7, FOE or just writing in general, this panel should have something for you!
The Pony Awards
Fallout Equestria: Murky and the Art of Storytelling
Click for more info!
Host: Princess Cadance (ZizzyDizzyMC)
Pony Plush Meetup
saturday @ 5:00 PM-6:30 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
Come on down and line up those plushies, take pictures, stick around after the pile and chat with like minded plush owners! We're doing a plush meetup!
The Pony Awards
Pony Plush Meetup
Click for more info!
Host: TaylorBMcardle
My Little Match Game
saturday @ 6:45 PM-7:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
A classic game show from the early 70's and 80's where contestants selected from the audience must match panelists answers exactly, "Match Game," is getting ponified. Join in for some entertaining fun as panelists generate hilarious answers to fill-in-the blank questions.
The Pony Awards
My Little Match Game
Click for more info!
Host: Thoth Penswell
Equestria's NEXT Top Artist!
saturday @ 8:00 PM-9:30 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
Art is subjective...unless you're drawing PONIES, of course! Join the RiffPonies crew and an all-star cast of your favorite My Little Pony fan-artists as they clash for artistic supremacy in a goofy gauntlet of art-based party games...with YOU as the judge! Join the laughs, be an art critic, and help decide who truly is "Equestria's NEXT Top Artist"!
The Pony Awards
Equestria's NEXT Top Artist!
Click for more info!
Host: Swift Keystroke
saturday @ 9:45 PM-11:15 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
It's 7:00pm somewhere folks! And you know what that means? JEPORDY!- I mean Pon-epordy... Test your wits, or watch three other's test theirs! Regardless, come see the all-time classic game-show: Pon-epordy!
The Pony Awards
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Host: Thoth Penswell
DrinkPonies: Not Throwing Away Our Shot Edition! (+18)
saturday @ 11:30 PM-1:00 AM (90 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
These ponies aren't throwing away their shots...of ALCOHOL, that is! Join RiffPonies & a chorus line of special guest stars as they ATTEMPT to answer extremely difficult My Little Pony trivia questions...and if they get them wrong, the punishment is Alcohol AND a musical number! Prepare for the wildest (and loudest~) night of Karaoke in your life as DrinkPonies goes MUSICAL!
The Pony Awards
DrinkPonies: Not Throwing Away Our Shot Edition! (+18)
Click for more info!
Broadhorse Theatre
Host: Thrack
Writing Pony Parodies
saturday @ 10:15 AM-11:15 AM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
Want to know what it takes to make a pony parody? Come join 4everfreebrony, Ocean Breeze, and Thrack as they write a parody within the hour with YOUR help!!
The Pony Awards
Writing Pony Parodies
Click for more info!
Host: Thoth Penswell
How To Watch Movies The RIGHT Way: The Musical!
saturday @ 11:30 AM-1:00 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
The Movie Musical! One of the most long-storied & artistically exciting forms of cinematic storytelling - and who better to tell you about it than a horse with a Film degree?! Join the fandom's resident film hors Thoth Penswell as he screens & discusses some of the most shining examples of movie musicals in the long history of Cinema!
The Pony Awards
How To Watch Movies The RIGHT Way: The Musical!
Click for more info!
Host: Harmonight
Gallop for the Gold: A Sports Bronies Panel
saturday @ 1:30 PM-2:15 PM (45 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
What's better, sports or ponies? Easy! The answer is both! All sports loving Bronies are welcome to this premiere event at HarmonyCon. Where everyone can talk about their favorite moments in sports, which sports their favorite ponies can compete in real life, and some advice on how to become a true "Athletic Brony".
The Pony Awards
Gallop for the Gold: A Sports Bronies Panel
Click for more info!
Host: Silver Quill
The Animations of G5
saturday @ 2:30 PM-3:30 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
Join Minty Root and Silver Quill for a look back at the various media for Generation 5. From the New Generation movie through Make Your Mark, Tell Your Tale, and the video games. 2D and 3D techniques will be revealed and there will be a Q&A session to follow!
The Pony Awards
The Animations of G5
Click for more info!
Host: SourPatchKing
Random Pony Name Game
saturday @ 3:45 PM-5:15 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
Come and join SourPatchKing, Round Trip, Musescript, and Brittney Ackermann as they create OCs based on custom names by audience members!! WHAT THE HAY??
The Pony Awards
Random Pony Name Game
Click for more info!
Host: DawnStarCosplays
Twilight's Trivia Time
saturday @ 5:30 PM-6:30 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
Test your My Little Pony knowledge and gallop into trivia! Join us for fun, prizes, and a chance to prove you're the next princess of Equestria!
The Pony Awards
Twilight's Trivia Time
Click for more info!
Host: Jack (Scootertrix)
Parody: From Script to Screen with Scootertrix
saturday @ 6:45 PM-7:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
Jack (Scootertrix) reveals his thought process on writing and editing MLP parody series!
The Pony Awards
Parody: From Script to Screen with Scootertrix
Click for more info!
Host: Mad Munchkin
Importance of Staying Creative
saturday @ 8:00 PM-9:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
A Discussion about the Importance of Creativity in Everyday life and within the MLP fandom.
The Pony Awards
Importance of Staying Creative
Click for more info!
Host: DRWolf
TF2 Analysis Anarchy
saturday @ 9:15 PM-10:15 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
With over 10 years of episodes, Team Fortress 2: Analysis Anarchy has kept up the sprit of the Brony fandom with Explosive Shenanigans and Chaotic Comedy.
The Pony Awards
TF2 Analysis Anarchy
Click for more info!
Host: Banquo0
Blue Pony Appreciation hour
saturday @ 10:30 PM-11:30 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
Why is the color blue the best for My Little Pony characters? Come join our highly informational, not-at-all absurdly humorous, and completely scientific discussion to find out! Share your passion with your fellow blue-pony connoisseurs and may the blue be with you!
The Pony Awards
Blue Pony Appreciation hour
Click for more info!
Host: Your Pal Tina
What the Horse
saturday @ 11:45 PM-12:45 AM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
What The Dub is a party game where you're given an old movie scene and some missing dialogue. Fill in the blank with your own words/sound effects and make it as funny as your heart desires! This panel features a My Little Pony mod replacing said old movies with episodes from the franchise! This game just got 20% cooler!
The Pony Awards
What the Horse
Click for more info!
Horsefeld Theatre
Host: DawnStarCosplays
Cosplay is for Every Body
saturday @ 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (60 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
Celebrate the diversity of cosplay with "Cosplay Is for Every Body"! Join us to explore how cosplay welcomes all sizes, shapes, and backgrounds. Discover tips, share experiences, and be inspired to embrace your unique cosplay journey. Everyone's cosplay is celebrated here!
The Pony Awards
Cosplay is for Every Body
Click for more info!
Host: DoTheDaringDew
Writing Horse Music
saturday @ 11:15 AM-12:15 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
Writing music is always a wonderful form of expression! Writing songs about cute, colorful ponies? That's even better! Come spend some time with DoTheDaringDew and perhaps some other songwriters in the fandom as we talk about the ins and outs of what goes into our pony music.
The Pony Awards
Writing Horse Music
Click for more info!
Host: XENGaming101
Mod Little Pony: Modding is Magic
saturday @ 12:30 PM-1:00 PM (30 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
See how My Little Pony game mods transform gaming experiences, show creativity, and build communities.
The Pony Awards
Mod Little Pony: Modding is Magic
Click for more info!
Host: voltage the unicorn
how fighting is magic became TFH
saturday @ 1:15 PM-2:45 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
Ever wonder what happened to Fighting is Magic? Join me as I explain what happened to the popular pony fighting game and how it became Them's Fightin' Herds!
The Pony Awards
how fighting is magic became TFH
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
Con Chair Chat
saturday @ 3:00 PM-4:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
Want to get an inside scoop on all things HarmonyCon?? Curious about how a convention is put together? Come and join the con chairs for the con chair chat!
The Pony Awards
Con Chair Chat
Click for more info!
Host: TheEternalSamurai
Life Lessons in My Little Pony
saturday @ 4:15 PM-4:45 PM (30 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
My Little Pony is a show with tons of great life lessons for us to learn from and implement in our day to day lives. Come join TheEternalSamurai as they share clips from a few episodes and discuss some of the lessons that ponies have taught us!
The Pony Awards
Life Lessons in My Little Pony
Click for more info!
Host: Mr_Some1
Out of Our Manes!
saturday @ 5:00 PM-6:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
Have You Heard of the Out of Our Manes Podcast? A pony podcast that's been running for just over two years, some of the hosts are here to engage with YOU! Come and ask us questions, and be prepared for us to ramble WAY TOO LONG about them!
The Pony Awards
Out of Our Manes!
Click for more info!
Host: Peruserofpieces
Plushing With the Stars
saturday @ 6:15 PM-7:15 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
It's the plushie panel! Come meet your favorite fandom crafters as we talk about all things plushies.
The Pony Awards
Plushing With the Stars
Click for more info!
Host: Princess Cadance (ZizzyDizzyMC)
Pony Archival and You
saturday @ 8:45 PM-9:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
The Pony Archive, updates, questions, and open discussion about archival. Come learn about fandom archival projects, and the challenges of keeping the lights on.
The Pony Awards
Pony Archival and You
Click for more info!
Host: Minty Root
Pony Skeletons
saturday @ 10:00 PM-11:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
Four embarrassing brony stories, three bronies, will you be able to find which belongs to who and what is the fake one?
The Pony Awards
Pony Skeletons
Click for more info!
Host: GatorGoatJohnny
Spirits of Harmony
saturday @ 11:15 PM-11:45 PM (30 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
Join a recovering alcoholic in a frank, judgment-free presentation about the depictions of alcohol use (and abuse) in the My Little Pony franchise, with a short Q&A to follow. (Viewer discretion advised for discussions about substance abuse.)
The Pony Awards
Spirits of Harmony
Click for more info!
Host: Harmonight
Diomedus or Diabeetus?: A Friendship is Tragic 2 Panel
saturday @ 12:00 AM-1:00 AM (60 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
Come one, come all as we dive deeply into ObabScribbler's "Friendship is Tragic 2: A Tale of Two Princesses". While just like any MLP fanfic, it features our favorite techni-colored equines, it is important to be prepared as well. This emotional rollercoaster goes into themes of the complexities of relationships, love, and, of course, tragedy. We, the cast (including our creatively driven boss) of FiT2, will analyze the voice acting, character arcs, and all the emotional beats this tale presents. In addition, we will look at how the themes of friendship and tragedy resonate with listeners. Whether you are a longtime fan of ObabScribbler or new to the series, this story will surely make your heart skip a beat. Finally, there will be a chance to ask questions. Do not miss this opportunity to connect and reflect on one of the most powerful audio dramas the Brony fandom has offered in recent years!
The Pony Awards
Diomedus or Diabeetus?: A Friendship is Tragic 2 Panel
Click for more info!
Graumare's Chineighs Theatre
Host: OceanBreeze
Make Your Own Award Ribbon!
saturday @ 10:00 AM-11:30 AM (90 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
And the winner is.... You! Come on down to make your own Award Ribbon! All supplies are provided. Parents are welcome to bring their children, as this is an event for the whole family!
The Pony Awards
Make Your Own Award Ribbon!
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
VIP Meet & Greet
saturday @ 12:00 PM-1:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Come and meet our special guests! Note: For My Fair Lyra sponsors and higher only.
The Pony Awards
VIP Meet & Greet
Click for more info!
Host: Phauxe Kitsune
Pony Show Trivia (G4)
saturday @ 1:30 PM-2:30 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Grab some friends and test your knowledge of pony! Teams of up to 6 people will compete in three rounds of Friendship is Magic trivia. Prizes will be awarded to every member of the first-place team, and Best Team Name.
The Pony Awards
Pony Show Trivia (G4)
Click for more info!
Host: thattagen
100 Ponies Per Hour
saturday @ 2:45 PM-4:15 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
3...2...1...DRAAAAAAW! Join a bunch of artists as they attempt to speed-draw 100 PONIES PER HOUR! Guaranteed to contain the MOST PONIES in ANY art panel, EVER! Join in the fun with provided pencils and paper! Hosted by manga artist Thattagen and friends.
The Pony Awards
100 Ponies Per Hour
Click for more info!
Host: OceanBreeze
Manesquerade Mask Creations
saturday @ 4:45 PM-5:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Hey Parents! Bring your kiddos over to create their own "Manesquerade" Mask for the Awards Show/Gala! All supplies provided, just come on down!
The Pony Awards
Manesquerade Mask Creations
Click for more info!
Host: EzeBird
Fursuiter Meetup Extravaganza
saturday @ 6:00 PM-6:30 PM (30 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Time to show your fluffy self and walk like an angel! Take photos with other furs and strut your stuff in the Fursuit Parade! All welcome, fursuit or not!
The Pony Awards
Fursuiter Meetup Extravaganza
Click for more info!
Host: Kariana Keyes
Trade Ya!
saturday @ 6:45 PM-8:45 PM (120 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Looking to find new homes for your MLP merchandise, while also looking to take in better suited pieces for yourself? Trot on over to the trading event!
The Pony Awards
Trade Ya!
Click for more info!
Host: CharlieDotEXE
Blur Equestria Showcase Panel
saturday @ 9:00 PM-9:30 PM (30 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Come checkout this showcase of a My Little Pony fan-made combat racing game in development, Blur Equestria, inspired by the 2010 racing game "Blur."
The Pony Awards
Blur Equestria Showcase Panel
Click for more info!
Host: Nevaylin
OC Shuffle Up!
saturday @ 9:45 PM-10:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
A game of shuffling ponies! A professional fandom artist shuffles up audience-submitted OC traits to create the most unhinged, chaotic, and random horses (???) imaginable!
The Pony Awards
OC Shuffle Up!
Click for more info!
Host: Ironsides
An Introduction to Equestria at War
saturday @ 11:00 PM-12:00 AM (60 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Welcome to the world of Equestria at War... the prominent mod for Hearts of Iron IV which reimagines the My Little Pony universe as an early 1900s setting with guns, industry, and warfare. If you've been curious about what the mod is all about, join the developers as they discuss the premise, history, and content of the mod and answer whatever burning questions you may have for the project as a whole. On top of that the panel will have an exclusive teaser for future Equestrian content in development so make sure to drop by to see!
The Pony Awards
An Introduction to Equestria at War
Click for more info!
Host: Cocktail Olive
Hello Pinkie Pie: The Lost Episode
saturday @ 12:15 AM-12:45 AM (30 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
After FiM was over, several G4.5 projects cropped up: Pony Life, stop-motion shorts, and a little CGI show called Hello Pinkie Pie. But there's evidence of an episode of Hello Pinkie Pie that never aired: a one-second clip shown during a montage at a Hasbro investor presentation. This panel will explain and explore what is known about this lost little piece of MLP media.
The Pony Awards
Hello Pinkie Pie: The Lost Episode
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
Talent Show Prejudge
saturday @ 11:00 AM-12:45 PM (105 minutes)
Room: Autograph Room
Show off your skills at Harmonycon's first ever talent show! Whether you sing, dance play an instrument, or have a unique talent, this is your opportunity to shine on the stage. This is our pre judging slot where you will get the chance to secure a slot in our finals!
The Pony Awards
Talent Show Prejudge
Click for more info!
Host: Crackle's Cousin Cosplay
Cosplay Prejudge
saturday @ 1:00 PM-2:30 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Autograph Room
Required Prejudging for Contestants & their handlers only. Come in Costume with Registration form filled out (forms available at con reg *prejudge times on form). You will be dismissed after your indv. judging & come to mane stage for competition 15 min prior to contest start time. Contestants who do not attend prejudging will be stage exhibition only/not eligible for prizes.
The Pony Awards
Cosplay Prejudge
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
Autographs for all VIPs
saturday @ 3:00 PM-4:30 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Autograph Room
Autographs for all VIPs
The Pony Awards
Autographs for all VIPs
Click for more info!
Host: Crackle's Cousin Cosplay
Cosplay Photoshoot
saturday @ 5:00 PM-5:30 PM (30 minutes)
Room: Autograph Room
Cosplayers Come meet new friends and get your photos taken of your amazing cosplays!
The Pony Awards
Cosplay Photoshoot
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
Vendor Hall
saturday @ 10:00 AM-6:00 PM (480 minutes)
Room: Vendor Hall
Shop for all your favorite pony merchandise!
The Pony Awards
Vendor Hall
Click for more info!
Host: Winds Requiem
MCC Halo 3
saturday @ 10:00 AM-12:00 PM (120 minutes)
Room: Videogames
FPS team based shooter with objectives in the Halo universe.
The Pony Awards
MCC Halo 3
Click for more info!
Host: Winds Requiem
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Tournament
saturday @ 1:00 PM-4:00 PM (180 minutes)
Room: Videogames
Fight in the newest, most exciting platforming fighting game from Nintendo!
💥 CHALLONGE BRACKET (w/PRIZE for winner!) 💥
The Pony Awards
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Tournament
Click for more info!
Host: Nevaylin, HarmonyCon Community Guests
Community Guest Smash Tournament
saturday @ 4:30 PM-8:00 PM (210 minutes)
Room: Videogames
Which of our Community Guests will come out on top of an all-out Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament?
The Pony Awards
Community Guest Smash Tournament
Click for more info!
Host: Eliwood Sain
Empty Epsilon
saturday @ 6:00 PM-9:00 PM (180 minutes)
Room: Videogames
Come together with a crew of friends as you pilot a starship together in this simulation game.
The Pony Awards
Empty Epsilon
Click for more info!
Host: Winds Requiem
Mortal Kombat 11
saturday @ 9:00 PM-11:00 PM (120 minutes)
Room: Videogames
Within the brutal world of mortal kombat, fight to the death in this 1 on 1 fighting game!
The Pony Awards
Mortal Kombat 11
Click for more info!
Host: Storm Chaser
Rise and Shine! It's Streetpass Time! 2025 Edition!
saturday @ 10:30 AM-11:30 AM (60 minutes)
Room: Videogames*
Has it been almost 13 years since the Nintendo DS launched? Wild! Come start your day making new friends playing your 3DS and Nintendo Switches and getting those elusive mini game bonus!
The Pony Awards
Rise and Shine! It's Streetpass Time! 2025 Edition!
Click for more info!
Host: Eliwood Sain
saturday @ 10:00 AM-12:00 PM (120 minutes)
Room: Tabletop
This idyllic pastoral fantasy game allows players to explore a world we create together in the aftermath of a war as we think about what home means to us
The Pony Awards
Click for more info!
Host: Undead_Rattler
Pathfinder Oneshot
saturday @ 1:00 PM-5:00 PM (240 minutes)
Room: Tabletop
Choose from my collection of one-shots and premade characters and wander through an adventure!
The Pony Awards
Pathfinder Oneshot
Click for more info!
Host: Winds Requiem, Cinder Smith
Quest for Harmony #3 - Siege of the Crystal Empire
saturday @ 6:00 PM-9:00 PM (180 minutes)
Room: Tabletop
D&D 5e one shot! Play as the Mane 6, Shining Armor or Cadence and retake the Crystal Empire from the evil Darkness that has consumed it! Are you up to this task? Can you free the kingdom from darkness?
The Pony Awards
Quest for Harmony #3 - Siege of the Crystal Empire
Click for more info!
Host: Eliwood Sain
saturday @ 9:30 PM-11:30 PM (120 minutes)
Room: Tabletop
(18+) You are veteran shadowrunners trying to get out by completing one final run.
The Pony Awards
Click for more info!
Host: Eliwood Sain
Player's Choice
saturday @ 12:00 AM-2:00 AM (120 minutes)
Room: Tabletop
PIck one of the above RPGs or another from The File Of Good Stuff
The Pony Awards
Player's Choice
Click for more info!
Host: Undead_Rattler
StickPony RPG
saturday @ 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Tabletop*
Doodle up a stick pony, give them a name, and then wander around stickponyvile! A simple story RPG that's great for beginners.
The Pony Awards
StickPony RPG
Click for more info!
Host: Storm Chaser, Jeff Provine, Daniel Brown
World's Collide Part 2: The Pony Puzzle
saturday @ 4:00 PM-8:00 PM (240 minutes)
Room: Tabletop*
In partnership with Renegade Game Studios, 2024's exclusive GenCon event arrives at Harmonycon! The sequel to GenCon 2023's World's Collide: Battle for the Multiverse, play in the D&D EPIC-esc Crossover Event featured at GenCon 2024. Come play as a Pony, Transformer, Power Ranger, or G.I. JOE as they save the multiverse!
The Pony Awards
World's Collide Part 2: The Pony Puzzle
Click for more info!
Host: Undead_Rattler
Are You a Changeling?
saturday @ 11:00 PM-1:00 AM (120 minutes)
Room: Tabletop*
Werewolf/Town of Salem but ponified! Can you root out the changelings before they take over the town?
The Pony Awards
Are You a Changeling?
Click for more info!
Host: Undead_Rattler
The Witch is Dead
saturday @ 1:00 AM-2:00 AM (60 minutes)
Room: Tabletop*
You are a fuzzy little woodland critter that was a witche's familiar, until she was MURDERED. Go get revenge...
The Pony Awards
The Witch is Dead
Click for more info!